Baseball caters to a range of different ages starting from 7 years old. Depending on your age, you will be able to play either Machine Pitch, Little League, Intermediate League, Junior League or Senior League.
Girls are able to play all leagues.
To find out what league you can play in, head over to
Baseball WA's League Age Chart.
2022/23 SEASON
Machine Pitch
Season start: TBA
Training: Held at Springdale Park, days and times to be confirmed.
Games: Monday nights at various club grounds.
Little League
Preseason training start: TBA
Community College. Time to be confirmed.
Season start: TBA
Training: Once a week on Thursdays at Springdale Park. Time to be confirmed.
Games: Monday nights at various club grounds.
Intermediate & Junior League
Preseason training start: TBA
Community College. Times to be confirmed.
Season Start: TBA
Training: Twice a week on Tuesdays & Thursdays at Springdale park. Times to be confirmed.
Games: Saturdays at various club grounds.
Senior Mens League
Preseason training start: TBA
Community College. Times to be confirmed.
Season Start: TBA
Training: TBA
Games: Sundays at various club grounds.